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BYFL&VERGA Vol.12 PLUS BYFL&VERGA Vol.12 PLUS Please refer to our website catalogue for more details

Just like the name “PLUS”implies, this is an addition catalogue of “BYFL&VERGA Vol.12”,which have met market demands well.
You can use this catalogue together with “BYFL & VERGA Vol.12.

  • 【Introduction of various techniques】
    Many materials go well with some techniques such as embossed logo,shell-like finish and antique-like finish,etc..
  • 【BFK-5, buckles with a new shape which consists of straight and curve lines.】
    It is designed to focuse on functions,such as close fit to the body and easy work with the belt-band.
  • 【VT-130,13, a new model of the popular series “Ardor”】
    Being polyester buttons,it feels like a natural material creating the texture of unique warmth.

  • 型番: NUT1050

    size: 25/20/15
    color: 3/5/8/12/15/18/20
    material: NU


  • 型番: NUT1040

    size: 23/19/15/13/11.5
    color: 1/3/5/8/12/15/18/20
    material: NU


  • 型番: BFK5

    size: 50/30/25/20
    color: H01/H42/H44/H45/H49/H35/N42/N43/N44/N47/N48/N49/N06/N59/09
    material: UF
  • 型番: PRV29

    size: 25/20/15
    color: 44/45/47/48/49
    material: UF
  • 型番: PRV28

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: N01/N40/N43/N45/N46/N47/N48/N49/N03/N05/N08/N59/H01/H40/H42/H45/H46/H49/H31/H35/09
    material: UF
  • 型番: PRV30

    size: 25/20/15
    color: 42/44/47/37/08
    material: UF
  • 型番: PRV130

    size: 30/25/23/20/18/15
    color: 42/43/44/466/48/49/05/06/08/09/59/65
    material: UF
  • 型番: PRV120

    size: 30/25/23/20/18/15
    color: 01/40/42/43/45/49/31/33/35/08/09
    material: UF
  • 型番: BDU007

    size: 23/19/15
    color: G43/G45/423/G49/724/09
    material: UP
  • 型番: BDU006

    size: 23/19/15
    color: G43/G45/423/G49/724/09
    material: UP
  • 型番: BDU005

    size: 23/19/15
    color: G43/G45/423/G49/724/09
    material: UP
  • 型番: VT131

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 41/43/44/48/61/08/09/33
    material: UP


  • 型番: VT130

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 41/43/33/44/48/08/09/61
    material: UP


  • 型番: VGR2300

    size: 30/25/23/20/18/15
    color: 01/40/42/43/45/49/09
    material: UP
  • 型番: VGR2200

    size: 30/25/23/20/18/15
    color: 01/40/42/43/45/49/09
    material: UP
  • 型番: VGR2400

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 02/43/44/46/48/07/09
    material: UP
  • 型番: GT97

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 41/43/44/47/48/09
    material: UP


  • 型番: GT96

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 41/43/44/47/48/09
    material: UP


SPRING&SUMMER Mens Button Collection2

Please refer to the website catalogue for more details about other buttons
Please refer to our website catalogue for more details

IRIS Co.,Ltd.

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