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Duffle Collection  Duffle Collection Please refer to our website catalogue for more details

A new “Toggle buttons”catalogue was released. Patches,cords and tapes are introduced

  • 【Antique sense of buffalo horn toggles】
    Buffalo horn toggles presenting a unique sense of appearanceare added.
  • 【Presenting vintage effects】
    Wooden toggles with eyelets accentuate a sense of vintage.New type of toggles with metal eyelets..

Duffle Collection
  • 型番: PDF1

    size: 60/45
    material: UP


  • 型番: KDF170

    size: 60/50
    color: G01/A45/A48/A09
    material: MB/WO


  • 型番: HBDF6

    size: 55
    color: L/MB/RB/B
    material: HO
  • 型番: AB6525N

    size: 40/30/25/20
    color: G/N
    material: MB

Duffle Collection

Please refer to the website catalogue for more details about other buttons
Please refer to our website catalogue for more details

IRIS Co.,Ltd.

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