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Jacket&Suit Vol.2  Jacket&Suit Vol.2 Please refer to our website catalogue for more details

The second edition of Jacket & Suit, released with the volume incleased

  • 【New effect of mock shell buttons】
    GT87 and GT88 are mock shell buttons with appearance of new effect. Deep sense of vintage look and colour accent on the rim create new and fresh design.
  • 【Warm sense of mock buffalo horn buttoms】
    Sticking to warm and soft appearance of buttons,VT125 was crteated by developing material.It features a sense of soft pattern.
  • 【Made-to-order buttons】
    Both page 9 and page 10 are arranged to make original design of natural buffalo horn,natural nut,mock buffalo horn and mock nut buttons.Please select the shape,shank style,material,colour,size and finish from the sample.

  • 型番: GT87

    size: 23/20/18/15
    color: 07/09/38
    material: UP
  • 型番: GT90

    size: 20/15
    color: 01/09/40/42/45/48/49
    material: UP


  • 型番: HB380

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: CB
    material: HO


  • 型番: PRV24

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 全21色 詳細はこちら
    material: UF


  • 型番: PRV27

    size: 25/23/19/17/14
    color: 40/42/44/46/48/06/08/09
    material: UF
  • 型番: VGN1022

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 01/09/020/40/47/48
    material: UP
  • 型番: VT124

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 001/08/09/020/42/45/48
    material: UP
  • 型番: VT125

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 02/07/09/41/43/45/48
    material: UP
  • 型番: VT126

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 01/08/09/33/41/44/48/61
    material: UP


  • 型番: VT127

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 01/08/09/33/41/44/48/61
    material: UP
  • 型番: VT128

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 01/08/09/33/41/44/48/61
    material: UP
  • 型番: VT129

    size: 25/23/20/18/15
    color: 001
    material: UP
  • 型番: GT88

    size: 20/15
    color: 1/09/45
    material: UP
  • 型番: VS1033

    size: 23/19/14
    color: 01/001/1/09/40/45
    material: UP
  • 型番: VS1034

    size: 23/19/14
    color: 01/001/1/09/40/45
    material: UP
  • 型番: VGN1023

    size: 19/14
    color: 001/40/48/099
    material: UP

Jacket&Suit Vol.2

Please refer to the website catalogue for more details about other buttons
Please refer to our website catalogue for more details

IRIS Co.,Ltd.

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